News Interview

February 2023

Stories of Salem

Women's History Month Interview with

Erin Hurley, MD


Interview, June 2024

Your Health Is Your Greatest Wealth

with Blanca Luna Ainsworth

Raising The Necessity of Self-Care & Mental Health for Healthcare Professionals

Podcast Interview, May 2024

Lead and Lift Podcast

with Chabidaye Jaglal Ramnath

The New Normal: Leadership In A Post-Pandemic World

In this episode, Chabidaye and Dr. Hurley discuss Updating Your Operating System with the OPPSS Method:

• Starting With Open-Mindedness

• The Power Of The Pause

• Planning For Success 

• The Strength In Asking for Support

• The Selflessness Of Self-Care

Podcast Interview April 2024

Write Your Best Chapter

with Faryal Michaud, MD

A mother; A cancer survivor; A pediatrician; A high performance Coach and a fierce advocate for wellness for the medical community: Dr. Erin Hurley is this and so much more.

I think you will enjoy my conversation with her about her cancer journey and what made her pivot to be doing what she is doing today.

Podcast Interview, Sept. 2023

Surgeon Syndicate Podcast

with Mike McManus

Fortune-Fueled Transition From Medicine To Foreign Real Estate Investing with Dr. Erin Hurley

Explore Dr. Erin Hurley’s transformative journey from medical professional burnout to achieving a lasting work-life balance through passive investing in foreign real estate deals. Learn how mentorship became a cornerstone in her success and the secret of efficiently managing properties overseas. Seize this chance to build the life you desire today!

What you’ll learn from this episode

• Key benefits of participating in masterminds and coaching programs

• Why paid mentorship is better than free service mentorship

• Erin’s entrepreneurial journey to foreign real estate investing

• The power of meaningful relationships in negotiating off-market deals

• Tips on how to manage foreign real estate properties

Podcast Interview April 2023

Bold Becoming

with Julie Brown

Breaking the Mold: A Physician Leader's Journey to Prioritizing Family

Life in the fast lane as a mom, woman, leader in medicine wasn’t working out so well for Erin Hurley on the home-front. Charting on her own patients from the room where her four-year-old was hospitalized wasn’t the kind of mom she wanted to be. Demands on time, energy, and the impact on family relationships and finances are significantly different for women than men in medicine. The extra time, and emotional and physical energy women physicians put into their jobs sacrifice other areas of their lives. And the fact that their patients have better outcomes didn’t balance out this equation for Erin.

Find out what book catalyzed the beginning of Erin’s personal transformation, helping her let go of her identity as a physician leader. Discover how coaching helped change her mindset and life and why she retired from medicine. Learn how coaching made it possible to make decisions she wouldn’t have otherwise. And how the new mindset allowed her to move from having to be right, to being open and willing to learn and grow from anyone and everyone, and the impact that has on her level of joy and satisfaction with life.

Podcast Interview September 2022

The Meaningful Revolution Podcast

with Shawn Buttner

Healthy Living Is Self-Care: A Doctor's Journey To Learn Self-Care Makes Us All Around Better

Erin Hurley, MD and Shawn have an amazing discussion on one of the biggest things we can do to transform our lives - self-care. Why? Because when you work in a high pressure, high demand, profession, the first things to be deprioritized are your health and your relationships. It’s impossible to be happy when you feel cruddy or when you don’t have relationships that support you. Listen to hear her journey, why self-care helps us be better all around, and habits to help you rejuvenate and THRIVE.

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