erin hurley

The 12 Gifts of Christmas 

December 17, 20236 min read

What Can We Learn From a Cactus

12 Gifts of Christmas

“Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can’t see.”

From the popular movie, The Polar Express

Ideas for the holidays... and many of them are on sale and can arrive before December 25th!

I like meaningful gifts, and want to avoid items that just add clutter. After living in the same home for over 16 years and inheriting too many items from those who have moved or passed away, I shudder to think of the job that lies ahead when we decide to move. Best to make changes now in how we accumulate and offload "stuff." 

If you want to be mindful of clutter and space…here are some recommended gifts that have meaning and will take up little if any space, books. (Please remember that we may receive a commission when you click on our links to make a purchase. This, however, has no bearing on our reviews and comparisons. We will do our best to keep things fair and balanced to assist you in making the best decision for you.)

Gift #1


The Boy, the Mole, the Horse, and the Fox, by Charlie Mackesy. This book is for readers of any age- 8 weeks to 100 years old! Such beautiful drawings and powerful words to live by. 

Gift #2


Limitless, by Jim Kwik. If you are a student or ever plan to learn anything ever again in your life, or would like to remember names better, this book is for you! The author suffered a brain injury as a young child and found himself limited by his mindset thinking he was “the boy with the broken brain” as he head teachers refer to him. As a young adult, a mentor helped him understand the Jim’s only limitation was himself and now he teaches actors how to memorize lines, and has many trainings helping us learn how to use our brains better and get rid of the limitations we place on ourselves. 

Gift #3


As I shared above about minimalism for physical items, the book Essentialism, by Greg McKoewn, shares how we can decrease the tasks we do and the obligations we commit to in order to find time freedom. One method I have heard people share is that every request on your time should be met with an initial no or let me see, and never a yes. Then ask yourself what you will need to say no to if you say yes to this opportunity? Another way of considering requests… if your immediate response is not a “H@!! YES!” then your response should be no. 

Gift #4


The Gap and the Gain, by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy helps us better navigate our lives and live in a more optomistic/positive space. They help us realize that we can choose to be miserable living in a mansion with millions of dollars in the bank, or choose to be happy living in a hut with nothing but a basic meal. 

Gift #5


Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy have another book, Who Not How, that I think is just as good and helps us realize that we should be spending less time figuring things out, and more time finding the right people to help us solve problems with less time and effort, even when it costs a little money. (Reasons why I encourage my coaching clients to find help with the housework! Take that burden off of your shoulders and allow someone to have that extra work- good for you and the person you employ!)

Gift #6


Rest, Why You Get More Done When You Do Less, by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang. This book breaks open the mindset that we need to grind and hustle to be the most successful. Instead it tells the powerful story of how taking time to rest, and truly have leisure will actually help us to be more productive and creative. I think this is the book that shared Winston Churchill took naps every day during WWII. If Winston Churchill can take a daily nap when he is the leader of a country at war, then why can’t we? 

Gift #7


Do Nothing, by Celeste Headlee is another shocker on how we can do more with less. 

Gift #8


When Breath Becomes Air, by Paul Kalanithi. This tale of a neurosurgeon diagnosed with a brain tumor helps us realize the sacrifices we make to study and practice medicine, and how even when faced with the most dreadful circumstances, we can choose to live with love and intention. 

Gift #9


How to Change, by Katy Milkman. This book helps us have a better understanding of what is involved in trying to make lasting changes in our lives, how new habits are made and broken, and more. 

Gift #10


The 5 Love Languages of Couples


The 5 Love Languages of Teenagers


The 5 Love Languages of Children

Any of these books will help you better understand what love language fills the cup of your loved ones and yourself so you can make more intentional choices in how to give and receive love. Gifts, acts of service, words of affirmation, physical touch, and quality time… which one are you? Take the online quiz to find out and share with those you care about. The information in this book completely changed some of my views of parenting and helped me to become a better mom to my 3 kids and better spouse to my husband of over 20 years. 

GIft #11


What better to get for a relaxing read on the couch, but a soft throw blanket like this one that comes in many color choices. We have so many soft throw blankets and they come in so handy especially this time of year. Especially nice when snuggling by the fire or reading a nice book.

Gift #12

A donation to any worthy charity. Some of my favorites are our local child abuse assessment center, supporting a child living in a developing country, supporting a local family who is struggling through the holidays, organizations that support those affected by cancer, and so many more. My theory is that when you give, you receive so much more than the gift you gave away. Try it on for size and let me know if you agree or not. 

"Probably the reason we all go so haywire at Christmas time with the endless unrestrained and often silly buying of gifts is that we don’t quite know how to put our love into words."

Harlan Miller

Holiday Gifts

I hope you have found this list helpful. If you have completed your gift giving and want some great reads to set 2024 off to a great start, get them for yourself or download these selections on Audible!

Here's to some great time with family and hoping you don't get too caught up in the doing so you can get fully present just being, hopefully with those you love and care about.


Erin Hurley, MD

Certified High Performance Coach


Physician Coach helping women in healthcare spend more time with their families & have a long, meaningful career in medicine through breaking through burnout.

Erin Hurley

Physician Coach helping women in healthcare spend more time with their families & have a long, meaningful career in medicine through breaking through burnout.

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